Monday, July 14, 2008

Tips on choosing tyre for your ride

This tip can keep you from being ripped off forhundreds of dollars. It may even save your life. What I am about to tell you, I learned this week. Ishould have known for decades. So should you.

First, tires older than six years are unsafe. Theyhave a tendency to disintegrate. It doesn't matter thatthey have never been driven. The rubber disintegrates.

Second, there is a numerical code, required by Federallaw, that tells you when the tire was manufactured. Itappears at the end of a 12-digit code that begins with DOT.

The last 4 digits tell you the week and year. Forexample, 4207 means that it was produced in the 42nd weekof 2007. If it's a 3-digit code, the tire was produced inthe previous century. Replace it.

Until recently, manufacturers were allowed to placethe code on the inside of the tire, assuring sellers thatbuyers would not discover that the tire had been sitting ininventory for several years.

When the code is on the inside, it's very difficultfor the buyer to see it, even if he knows that it's thereand what it means.

Before you buy new tires, ask the salesman to show youthe exact tires to be installed -- not "looks just likethis (but 10 years older)." Check the code. Do not pay fortires older than six months. It's your money. Check your spare! Replace it if it's old.


Blogger yeshua said...


Hi, my name is Josh. I live in Illinois. I happened to find this blog through a Google search. The actual post that I first saw was your "Theory of Relativity". I have been searching and reading now for a while and YOUR post seems to be speaking the most to my current situation. I noticed you had a post as recent as this month. So I hope you see this comment.
In any case, my purpose for taking the time to write is because after reading your post I thought you could help me.
So allow me to explain my situation.
Let me start by saying that upon sitting down at the computer today the words I first typed to begin my journey for answers was "Chronic Laziness". First off, allow me to apologize. I realize you do not know me and perhaps there is a better way to go about this, but I feel I must write much for you to understand fully my situation. I'll keep it as poignant as I can. My reason for searching "Chronic Laziness" as well as a variety of other similar word combinations is because I feel as though I have been plagued with a debilitating condition that has paralyzed me from taking action. I have been around the MLM environment now for close to six years. I have been a part of three different organizations. I feel I have gone through a tremendous amount of personal growth through these past years. The organization I am now with I will not be leaving. I believe too much in the leadership to abandon them. As a matter of fact, I feel to abandon them would also mean abandoning myself. I have been successful in every job I've had. Most of which have been somewhat related to sales. I am a strongly spiritual person. Yet, there too I need to take more action. I am married now a year and a half. My wife is supportive. I have nothing holding me back except my mind. I would like to think I am a person of much potential and have felt I am here to do and be something great for others. I have goals. I have an awesome support team ready for me to use them. I understand the investment of time, effort and money to grow a successful MLM business. The business I am in I truly believe is the most suitable to me in terms of something I can be passionate about. This business is consistent with my faith and could only stand to make it stronger if I allow God to bless me in it. But I first must get active. I do feel "uncertainty of prospect response" is a source of negative self-talk. As much as I can diagnose myself, I feel the main thing contributing to my inactivity is my habit of "opting out" of activity. I have created a habit of doing nothing and justifying my inactivity with "busy work" not "productive work". As I’m sure you have noticed, I’m sitting here writing this comment when I should be out there contacting, calling, presenting, sharing etc…“Busy work”. I have created pressure on myself which is always what has moved me before. Yet, still I’m idle. I’m not contributing as I should to my relationship financially. This is a joke, because one of my primary goals is to give my wife the option to not work. I feel bad enough already, because she’s had to work at all. Still, have the “bad” feelings been enough to motivate me, nope. One more tidbit about me: I dread having a boss or someone controlling my life. I must be in control of all things outside of what I must entrust to God only. And, I feel like I am a person who needs structure and disciple. It seems to me these two things contradict. Control freak and discipline dependant sounds like two different people who grew up on opposite sides of the track. I am your classic case of “know what I want; know what I have to do to get there, inconsistent at best towards making it happen”. I am searching for something to help me break this habit. It has had a hold on me now for SIX MONTHS!
I appreciate you even taking the time to read all this. Please know that I am not expecting a miracle or any definitive answers. Perhaps I am merely looking for someone who can relate. I look forward to hearing from you. You can reach me at


7/30/2008 7:26 AM  

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